Space Research Center
Polish Academy of Sciences
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00-716 Warszawa
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Global interaction between the solar wind and the interstellar medium
Motion of the heliospheric termination shock
Magnetohydrodynamical models of the heliospheric boundary
Similarity solutions for synchrotron emission in a supernova blast wave
Multi-dimensional simple waves in gasdynamics and magnetohydrodynamics
Multi-ion solar wind
Main scientific results:
Magnetohydrodynamic models of the interaction between the solar wind and
interstellar plasma in the presence of the magnetic fields and the neutral
About 60 papers published in international journals and 65 international
conference papers
Main publications on the MHD modeling of the heliospheric interface:
Ratkiewicz, R.,
MHD modeling of the Heliosphere: a critical evaluation of different models Proceedings of the Conference: Future Perspective in
Heliospheric Research: Unsolved Problems, New Missions - New Sciences,
April 6 - 8, 2005, Bad Honnef, Germany, in press, 2005
Ratkiewicz, R., J. Grygorczuk, and L. Ben-Jaffel,
The Termination Shock and Beyond: MHD Modeling AIP Conference Proceedings of the IGPP-UCR 4th Annual International
Astrophysics Conference: The Physics of Collisionless Shocks, February
26-March 3, 2005, Palm Springs, California, 781, pp 294-298, 2005
Ratkiewicz, R., and G.M., Webb,
Reply to Comment on ``On the Interaction of the Solar Wind with
the Interstellar Medium: Field Aligned MHD Flow by R. Ratkiewicz and
G.M. Webb'' by N.V. Pogorelov and T. Matsuda J. Geophys. Res., 109, A02111, doi:10.1029/2003JA010085, 2004
Ratkiewicz, R., J. Grygorczuk, and L. Ben-Jaffel,
Questions about effects of interplanetary and interstellar magnetic fields
on the heliospheric interface AIP Conference Proceedings of the IGPP-UCR 3rd Annual International
Astrophysics Conference: Physics of the Outer Heliosphere, February 8-13,
2004, Riverside, California, 719, pp 93-98, 2004
Ratkiewicz, R., and J.F. McKenzie,
Interstellar magnetic field effects on the termination shock,
heliopause and bow shock: aligned MHD flow J. Geophys. Res., 108(A2), 1071, doi:10.1029/2002JA009560, 2003
Ratkiewicz, R., and L. Ben-Jaffel,
Effects of Interstellar Magnetic Field
B and Constant Flux of Neutral H on the Heliosphere J. Geophys. Res., 107, A1, pp SSH 2 1-13, 2002
Ratkiewicz, R., and G.M., Webb,
On the Interaction of the Solar Wind with the Interstellar Medium:
Field Aligned MHD Flow J. Geophys. Res., 107(A12), 1484, doi:10.1029/2001JA009163, 2002
Ratkiewicz, R., A. Barnes, H.-R. Muller, G.P. Zank, and G.M. Webb,
Modeling the heliosphere: Influence of the interstellar magnetic field
in the presence of LISM neutral hydrogen, Adv. Space Res., 29, No. 3, pp. 433-438, 2002
Ben-Jaffel, L., O. Puyoo, and R. Ratkiewicz,
Far-ultraviolet echoes from the frontier between the solar wind
and the local interstellar cloud, Astrophys. J., 533, 924-930, 2000
Ratkiewicz, R., A. Barnes, and J. R. Spreiter,
Local Interstellar Medium and Modelling the Heliosphere, Journal Geophys. Res., 105, 25,021-25,031, 2000
Ratkiewicz, R., A. Barnes, G. A. Molvik, J. R. Spreiter, S. S. Stahara,
M. Vinokur, and S. Venkateswaran,
Effect of varying strength and orientation of local interstellar magnetic
field on configuration of exterior heliosphere: 3D MHD simulation, Astron. Astrophys., 335, 363-369, 1998
Ratkiewicz, R.
Constrains in modelling the heliospheric interface Adv. Space Res. Vol.13, No.6, 179 - 184, 1993
Ratkiewicz, R.
An analytical solution for the heliopause boundary and
its comparison with numerical solutions Astron. Astrophys. 255, No 1/2, 383 - 387, 1992
Fahr, H.J., S. Grzedzielski, and R. Ratkiewicz
Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of the 3-dimensional
Heliopause Using the Newtonian Approximation Annales Geophysicae 6,(4), 337 - 354, 1988