Publications in 2022

by members of the Laboratory for Solar System Physics and Astrophysics,
Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences

Papers published in journals from the JCR list

  1. Baliukin, I., Bertaux, J.L., Bzowski, M., Izmodenov, V., Lallement, R., Provornikova, E., Quémerais, E. – 2022, Backscattered solar Lyman-α emission as a tool for the heliospheric boundary exploration, Sp.Sci.Rev. 218:45, 10.1007/s11214-022-00913-3, astro-ph/2206.15175 (pdf+Erratum)
  2. Bzowski, M., Kubiak, M.A., Möbius, E., Schwadron, N.A. – 2022, Breaking correlation in the inflow parameters of interstellar neutral gas in direct-sampling observations, Ap.J. 938:148, 10.3847/1538-4357/ac8df4, astro-ph/2208.14101 (pdf)

  3. Czechowski, A., Grygorczuk, J. – 2022, Closing of the astrotail, Astr.Ap. 666, A197, 10.1051/0004-6361/202243297 (pdf)

  4. Dialynas, K., Krimigis, S.M., Decker, R.B., Hill, M., Mitchell, D.G., Hsieh, K.C., Hilchenbach, M., Czechowski, A. – 2022, The structure of the global heliosphere as seen by in-situ ions from the Voyagers and remotely sensed ENAs from Cassini, Sp.Sci.Rev. 218:21, 10.1007/s11214-022-00889-0 (pdf)

  5. Frisch, P.C., Piirola, V., Berdyugin, A.B., Heiles, C., Cole, A.A., Hill, K., Malgalhaes, A.M., Wiktorowicz, S.J., Bailey, J., Cotton, D.V., Kedziora-Chudczer, L., Schwadron, N., Bzowski, M., McComas, D.J., Funsten, H.O., Harlingten, C., Redfield, S. – 2022, Whence the interstellar magnetic field shaping the heliosphere, Ap.J.S. 259:48, 10.3847/1538-4365/ac5750 (pdf)

  6. Galli, A., Baliukin, I.I., Bzowski, M., Izmodenov, V.V., Kornbleuth, M., Kucharek, H., Möbius, E., Opher, M., Reisenfeld, D., Schwadron, N.A., Swaczyna, P. – 2022, The heliosphere and Local Interstellar Medium from neutral atom observation at energies below 10 keV, Sp.Sci.Rev. 218:31, 10.1007/s11214-022-00901-7 (pdf)

  7. Galli, A., Wurz, P., Fairchild, K., Heirtzler, D., Möbius, E., Kucharek, H., Winslow, R., Bzowski, M., Kubiak M.A., Kowalska-Leszczyñska, I., Fuselier, S.A., Sokó³, J.M., Swaczyna, P., McComas, D. – 2022, One solar cycle of heliosphere observations with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer: Energetic Neutral Atoms observed with IBEX-Lo from 10 eV to 2 keV, Ap.J.S. 261:18, 10.3847/1538-4365/ac69c9 (pdf)

  8. Hollick, S.J., Smith, C.W., Pine, Z.B., Argall, M.R., Joyce, C.J., Isenberg, P.A., Vasquez, B.J., Schwadron, N.A., Soko³, J.M., Bzowski, M., Kubiak, M.A., Bagenal, F., Richardson, J.D. – 2022, Magnetic waves excited by newborn pickup H+ near Jupiter: Neutral hydrogen loss by the planetary system, JGR 127, e2021JA030086, 10.1029JA030086 (pdf)

  9. Kowalska-Leszczynska, I., Kubiak, M.A., Bzowski, M – 2022, Absorption of the Lyman-α radiation in the heliosphere, Ap.J. 926:27, 10.3847/1538-4357/ac4092, astro-ph/2111.15412 (pdf)

  10. Porowski, C., Bzowski, M., Tokumaru, M. – 2021, A new 3D solar wind speed and density model based on interplanetary scintillation, Ap.J 259:2, 10.3847/1538-4365/ac35d7 (astro-ph/2110.15847) (pdf)

  11. Schwadron, N.A., Möbius, E., McComas, D.J., Bower, J., Bower, E., Bzowski, M., Fuselier, S.A., Heirtzler, D., Kubiak M.A., Lee, M.A., Rahmanifard, F., Sokó³, J.M., Swaczyna, P., Winslow, R. – 2022, Interstellar Neutral He parameters from crossing parameter tubes with the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe informed by 10 yr of Interstellar Boundary Explorer observations, Ap.J.S. 258:7, 10.3847/1538-4365/ac2fa9 (pdf)

  12. Strumik, M., Ratkiewicz, R. – 2022, Heliospheric effects caused by Sun-originating versus LISM-advected fluctuations, A&A 657, A14, 10.1051/00, 04-6361/202141005 (pdf)
  13. Swaczyna, P., Kubiak, M.A., Bzowski, M., Bower, J., Fuselier, S.A., Galli, A., Heirtzler, D., McComas, D., Möbius, E., Rahmanifard, F., Schwadron, N.A. – 2022, Very Local Interstellar Medium revealed by complete solar cycle of interstellar neutral helium observations with IBEX, Ap.J.S 259:42, 10.3847/1538-4365/ac4bde (astro-ph/2201.05463) (pdf)

  14. Swaczyna, P., Schwadron, N.A., Möbius, E., Bzowski, M., Frisch, P.C., Linsky, J.L., McComas, D.J., Rahmanifard, F., Redfield, S., Winslow, R.M., Wood, B.W., Zank, G.P. – 2022, Mixing interstellar clouds surrounding the Sun, Ap.J.Lett. 937:L32, 10.3847/2041-8213/ac9120 (astro-ph/2209.09927v2) (pdf)
  15. Watson, A.S., Smith, C.W., Marchuk, A.V., Argall, M.R., Joyce, C.J., Isenberg, P.A., Vasquez, B.J., Schwadron, N.S., Bzowski, M., Kubiak, M.A., Murphy, N. – 2022, High-latitude observations of inertial-range turbulence by the Ulysses spacecraft during the solar minimum of 1993-96, Ap.J. 927:43, 10.3847/1538-4357/ac4588 (pdf) 

  16. Wawrzaszek, A., Modzelewska, R., Krasiñska, A., Gil, A., Glavan, V. – 2022, Fractal dimension analysis of Earth magnetic field during 26 August 2018 geomagnetic storm, Entropy 24, 699, 10.3390/e24050699 (pdf)

Papers in conference proceedings and miscellaneous

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